Courses & Coaching

  • Homeschooling Your Gifted and Special Needs Child | Get Started


    You’ve invested hours researching, curriculum shopping, reading, and scouring the internet to learn all you can about homeschooling gifted, twice-exceptional, and otherwise differently-wired children, now you and your kids deserve to have a blast learning together.

    With a little bit of planning and loads of encouragement from other parents in the trenches homeschooling differently-wired children, you will develop your own road map to homeschooling success, be more relaxed in your approach, and build confidence to learn alongside your kiddos.

    Are you ready to get started?

  • Parent and Homeschool Coaching


    Educational consultant and gifted expert Colleen Kessler will come into your home by phone or video call and help you develop an action plan to bring the order and calm you crave to your family and homeschool. No matter how chaotic things feel right now, you can have peace. Whether you schedule a one-hour coaching session or several, Colleen can help you problem-solve whatever struggles you and your gifted kiddo(s) face, and get you back on track so you can love life and enjoy each other again.

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