Virtual Book Club

Hey friends! If you’re here, you’re joining us for the virtual book club.

It’s going be so much fun… I absolutely cannot wait to dive in.


So what do you need to do? Well, first off, you need a copy of the book we’ll be chatting about, and then you’ll need to head on over and request membership in our Facebook group. I know, I know… Facebook isn’t everyone’s favorite place to be, but the truth is… it an easy platform to get started on, and so many of us have been talking about this book that I wanted to get started easily. Hopefully — if you all like this whole virtual book club thing — we’ll move it to a forum on the site in the next year or so.

In the meantime, we’ll use what we have.

Get started by requesting membership here: Raising Lifelong Learners Book Club on Facebook

Then order the book on Amazon or snag a copy at your local library. (You can click my link below, and I’ll get a little commission from Amazon for sending you there.)

Book One: The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by William Strixrud, PhD, and Ned Johnson