Essential Oils and EOKids
My Essential Oils Story
I’ve used essential oils since college. In 1993 I was on the speech and debate team {now my geekiness is finally out there for all to read about}, and for my informational speech, I researched aromatherapy. I was amazed at the information out there and the success hospitals and other medical practitioners were having when they used oils as a first-course treatment option… before resorting to drugs.
And I was sold.
Even as a nineteen year old college kid, I knew that I needed to use high-quality oils, and therefore super-cheap oils probably weren’t going to do me much good.
At that time, I suffered from migraines – really suffered. I used a blend of lavender, peppermint, and rosemary on my temples and my headaches virtually disappeared. I used rosemary in my hair, and lavender anytime I needed to relax.
And that was about the extent of it for a long, long time.
Over the last few years, though, Brian and I have worked hard to eradicate as many chemicals from our family’s life as possible. Our kids {two in particular} are very sensitive to chemicals like food dyes, additives, preservatives, nitrites, nitrates, and cleaning products.
So we’ve learned more – together – and have moved on from my arsenal of three oils to one of dozens and dozens of oils and blends.
What oils do we use?
We use several different brands of oils. I’m picky about quality, and love certain oils and blends from several different companies. Why do I spread the oil love around?
Easy… research.
I’ve been a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils, and still use them often. Some of my favorite blends come from them. But, there are a few great brands that have been around for much longer than some of the newer companies you hear a lot about. I’ve used Wyndmere Naturals for over 20 years. I love Plant Therapy oils. Rocky Mountain Oils are a great company to buy from, too.
Why Talk About It?
On Raising Lifelong Learners, I committed to bringing you alongside my family as we learn together. I talk homeschooling, parenting gifted kids, cooking, and hands-on learning {projects] because that’s what we’re doing together. It’s what we love, and it fills our days.
My kids have developed a keen interest in aromatherapy as we’ve incorporated them more and more, and they’ve experienced success in using them. My son is reading The Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley. My daughter and I are working together and experimenting with things like lip balm, sunscreen lotion bars, hard lotion bars, detangler spray, hand sanitizer, and more. She wants to start a business selling the things she makes, and in the meantime has asked me to teach a class at our co-op in the fall. We’ll be teaching kids like her how to make these things, too.
Since it’s what they’re learning now, we’ll be sharing it on RLL.
Anytime I’ve shared experiments, projects, or recipes, I’ve told you where you can get the things I use, and I’ll do the same when I share EOKids posts.
I’m looking forward to sharing all of the great recipes the kids and I come up with or adapt in our quest to makeover our home – exploring and learning together along the way.